Monday, April 24, 2017

Personal Essays

1.) Some things the writers gave is to make sure your essay is something you care strongly enough about, topics that get you excited, and make it important and not boring.

2.) The writers says to put in a context that gives the reader insight to both the small moment and the wider perpective, also details that bring in the reader, so not boring.

3.) The suggestions the writer said i should use during writing the essay are ways to get your hook to attatch your reader, explain why you feel a certain way on the topic you chose, also use accurate facts, check spelling, and number, but in academic essays facts are better than opinions, but in personal essays opinion are better than facts.

Monday, April 17, 2017

SLO Practice

1.) C
2.) A
3.) C
4.) D
5.) B
6.) C

Caption Writing:
March 13, Malala and Josh Cooper walking down the red carpet in Canada honoring Malala's hard work by working with children. One of Malalas student shares how great of a teacher Malala is, Malalas husband also mentions how great of a wife she is.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Nut Graf

A nut graf is a paragraph in the story, that follows the lead paragraph. In the nut graf paragraph, it includes the main idea/message of the story.

Inverted Pyramid

My first interview

How does it feel being student of the month?
- Being student of the month actually feels pretty good, i feel proud of myself.
Is it hard for you being student of the month?
- Yes, because the responsibilities i have to do to keep this opportunity.
Are you in any other activities?
- Yes, i am in volleyball, and soccer.
Is it hard to keep your grades perfect?
- Yes, because i get a lot of work from all my classes and have to turn it in on time.
Does anyone award you for being student of the month?
- Yes, my family, teachers, principals, and counselors.
What do they award you with?
- They award me by giving my treats, and showing me respect.
What kind of responsibilities are required?
-The responsibilities that are required, are grades have to be perfect, no getting into trouble, work turned in on time, and attend all school activites.
Now that your student of the month how do your friends view you?
- Sometimes my friends get upset, because i can't hangout as much anymore, and they also have my back on being student of the month but other than they they're the same.
Does it affect you of what others think about you?
- No it doesn't affect me, i don't pay attention to the negative things people have to say.
Do you ever get free time?
- Yes i do get some free time.
What do you do on your free time?
- On my free time i hangout with my friends, and i spend time with my family, we usually go to the park, swim, and play games.
Have you lost any of your friends becoming student of the year?
- No i haven't.
Why do you think you were selected for this position?
- I think i was selected, because i gave it my all to be student of the year, my grades were perfect, and i'm a great loving student.
Was anything hard for you trying to be student of the month?
- Yes, keeping my grades up was pretty challenging, and turning work in on time.
What do you dislike being student of the month?
- I don't like how i don't get much time to spend with my friends and family.
What is your favorite thing being student of the month?
- One of my favorite things being student of the month is that i will always have good grades, and that makes me proud.
Do your teachers treat you differently than your classmates?
- Some of my teachers do treat me a little bit differently, they see me as more responsible than others.
Does your attendance have to be perfect?
- Yes, i have to attend school everyday, unless an emergency.
What will happen if you fail a class?
- If i fail a class, i will have to pick that grade up for a certain amount of time, and if not i will have to take a break from being student of the year.
What will happen if you miss a couple days of school?
- If i miss a couple of days, i will have to make those days up, but if i miss a lot, i will have to take a break.
Does being student of the month make you feel different?
- Yes, because i feel more responsible, and smarter, because i pay more attention to school.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Assignment 2:

Student of the month interview
  • How does it feel to be student of the month?
  • Is it hard for you to be student of the month?
  • Are you in any other activites?
  • Is it hard to keep your grades perfect?
  • Does anyone award you for being student of the month?
  • What kind of responsibilities are required?
  • Now that your student of the month, how do your friends view you?
  • Does it affect you, of what others think about you?
  • Do you ever get free time?
  • What do you do on your free time?
  • Have you lost any friends becoming student of the year?
  • Why do you think you were selected for this position?
  • Was anything hard towards you, trying to get the spot for student of the month?
  • What do you dislike being student of the month?
  • What is your favorite thing about being student of the month?
  • Do your teachers treat you differently than your classmates?
  • Does your attendance have to be perfect?
  • What will happen if you fail a class?
  • What will happen if you miss a couple days of school?
  • Does being student of the month make you feel different?

Monday, April 10, 2017

Assignment 1:

School Uniforms:

  • I could interview the principals, counselors, or the assistant principals.
  • Why do you have a specific uniform?
  • What happens if a student doesn't follow the uniform rules?
  • What clothing isn't allowed?
  • Are there somedays students are allowed to wear what they want?
  • Have students complained about this dress code?
  • Have some of your students left your school because of this dress code?
  • Do the teachers wear a certain dress code as well?
  • Do some of your students enjoy this dress code?
  • How could these uniforms help the school?
  • Who designed these uniforms?
  • How do you think the parents of these students react?
  • How long will this dress code last?
  • Have students voted against a dress code?
  • Do most parents agree or disagree with having this dress code?
  • Will these uniforms cost?
  • Are the girls allowed to wear jewerly?
  • Are students allowed to wear sweaters, or hoodies?
  • What will differ about boys uniforms from girls uniforms?
  • Does hair have to be a certain way as well?
  • Will your students have to wear certain shoes as well?

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Architecture preview #1

  • Charles Deaton is the architect.
  • It was built in 1963.
  • It is located in Genesee Mountain, in Colorado.
  • It is a private building.
  • The house cost 3.1 million dollars.
  • Charles, wanted a house for inspiration on a mountain, where he could stand and feel the greatness of earth.
  • I chose the Sculptured House in Colorado US, because i thought it looked relaxing, it looked like an interesting building. When i first saw the house i was intereted in the beauty, and was wondering what the history was, why they built it on a mountain. I also was curious on why the architect built it that way.

  • Andre Waterkeyn and Jean Polak are the architect's
  • This building was built in 1958
  • It's located Boulevard du Centenaire 1020 Brussel
  • It is a building that you can visit too.
  • This building cost 27.5 million
  • It was created for the World's Fair
  • I picked this building, because it's appearance was really interesting, and I would like to know where this building is located so I can consider visiting. I would also want to know the history behind this building, the reason for it, and how it's designed. The appearance really caught my eye and I wanted to also know what this is made of.

  • This building was built in 1974.
  • It is located in Fafe Mountains north portugal.
  • It is a private building.

Portfolio Analysis

a. Nick Adams
b. The judges thought some of the angles nick chose were horrible, bad focus and composition.
c. The judges liked the lighting nick chose and some of the angles.
d. My impression on this photographer was that i thought Nick thought some pictures would be better up close, but some were awful.
e. I liked the lighting, but did not like some of the angles he chose.

a. The judges saw creativity as the strength.
b. I saw that there was too much photoshop, but i did like how Dustin had creativity, and the people in his photos actually did something.

a. While deciding the winner the judges had some disagrements with each other, so arguements occured, they had to look at the obvious problems in photos and little details, they also counted how many strong photos some portfolios had.

Part 2:

1.) On the boxing photo i agree with the judges on saying how the referee looks like he is as well going to box, also how your focus doesn't really go to the action.

2.) I do not agree with the judges on the photo where the women are running and some of them falling, what i dont agree on is how they say you should crop it in, i think it looks fine how it is.

Monday, April 3, 2017