Monday, December 19, 2016


1.) The man that as killed by the subway was calming a panhandler down after that person, has been harassed. The photographer was able to take this photo, because after trying to help Han get up from the tracks, he was flashing his camera light at the train to stop the train from killing Han.

2.) The photography said he was trying to stop the train from killing Han with his camera light.

3.) I don't think the photographer should have taken the photo, because Han was about to die, instead of taking the photo.

4.) No, i don't think the photographer did the best he could, because he had some what time to do all he could to get Han off the train tracks instead of capturing a photo.

5.) I disagree, becuase some people might get offended by this photo, because its sad, and his family, and friends might not appreciate this, becuase its his death, and it shows him literally 2 seconds away from dieing, and because they'll blame everything on the photographer, than he'll be hated.

6.) I think the importance to a photojournalist, is capturing the photos right when it happens, to actually get the action.

7.) Well its there decision, but i think yes, it is acceptable for the photographer to be in the situation, because people want to see the beautiful photographs, and what actually happens in this world.

8.) I don't think photographers should avoid influencing events, becuase theres beautiful photos, and importance in the photos.

9.) These professional photographers, say its important to get photos that people hardly see, or events that dont happen often.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Deadlines, ARGGH!

1.) The origins of the word deadline are time limits that are set so a particular task or goal is completed, no later than a certain point.
2.) Missing a deadline, will have your class behind, because a teacher has to wait for you.
3.) Yes, the consequences i had were, now im failing that class, im behind cant do things with the whole class, and my teacher and parents get mad at me for not doing my work.
4.) Yes i find me missing many deadlines, but i think the reason for this is because well i dont have wifi at home, only have one vehicle, and slow at certain things.
5.) Other assignments kept me from todays deadline.
6.) I plan to come during fit, and lunch.

1.) I think numbers 1, 6, 7, and 8 might help me be more efficient.
2.) I think number 7 is harder for me, because i get off track easily, and i loose my train of thought.
3.) I am a morning person.
3A.) I think some of the problems i run into, are me needing to relax for a second, and things that get me off track.
4.) I think i can ignore the unimportant things, and get my work done first before i do anything else.
5.) Three things i can do, are go to a quiet place, get comfortable that i wont get frustrated while doing my work, and ignore everything else.

1.) No, i dont think theres any correlation between my homework and time managment.
2.) My study setting, is a quiet room while im alone, the mood is fresh, and comfortable.
3.) When it comes to studying my biggest distraction is probably me not being comfortable or not understanding.
4.) What could help me from those distractions, are going to a place where im more comfortable, getting help, and a place where theres not alot of action, or noises around.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Prompt Shoot #3


5 Websites

1.)  I chose this photo because i love how she stands out, and the beautiful backround is blurred. I really like how shes walking on a road towards the mountains. In this photograph, i see framing, simplicity,  and depth. It shows framing, becuase the photo is taken around the girl, while shes in the middle. The photo shows simplicity, because there is a beatiful blurred backround, and the focus on the girl. This photo also shows  depth because its a continuous backround. In this website it doesnt show who took the photo.

2.) I chose this photo because i like how it continues, and how the shape of it is. I also like how they took the photo from a birds eye view and from a high point it makes the photo way better. This photo shows the rules leading lines,  viewpoint and depth. I think it shows depth because its a picture that is continuous. Its also leading lines becuase the stair case keeps going all the way down. It shows viewpoint, because the photographer is taking the photo from a high point, birds eye view. The photographer of this photo is Christian Richter.
3.) I chose this photo because i like how the stairs keep going, i also like how bright the plants are, and how the trees are positioned, the color of the trees are bright and beautiful. This photo shows rule of thirds, and leading lines. It shows rule of thirds, because the stairs are more to the left than the center. Its leading lines because the stair case keeps going. The photographer of this photo is Deed Huon Pine.
4.) I chose this photo because i like how its birds eye view, and over the city, i like how the city and ocean stand out. This photo has the rules: viewpoint, and kinda rule of thirds. Viewpoint is a rule in this photo because the picture was taken from a birds eye view. This is rule of thirds because the city is not in the center, its more to the right. Paula Borowska took this photo.
5.) I chose this photo, because it stood out to me. I love how the rock is like framing the water, rocks, and sky. This is a very beautiful photo. This photo has he rules framing, and kinda rule of thirds. Its framing, because the rock is around the sky, rocks, and water. This photo is not exactly rule of thirds but the rocks in the water arent in the center there more on the sides. Yan Zhang took this photo.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Academic Shoot Reflection And Critique

1.) The challenges i had were trying to get the camera to  focus, and getting a clear backround.
2.) The technical aspects i was thinking about the most was getting the cammera to focus i feel its a better picture that way.
3.) I would make the backround more clear, focus more on the subject, and make the subject stand out.
4.) I would still think about keeping it at focus, and have interesting things to take photos of.
5.) I think the easiest rule wpuld be, the rule of thirds.
6.) I think the hardest rule would be Simplicity.
7.) Im still not so clear on, simplicity, and avoiding mergers, but i can figure out how to do them by looking it up on the internet looking at different pictures, or go back to the websites thats on our assignments.

Academic Post Shoot AND Peer Reflection

The rule i followed was leading lines, becuase the lockers are in a line going straight down.
The subject of this photo is the guy squeezing the liquid onto his hand.
3.) No, some of these pictures, its not clear of what the subject is.
4.) To make the subject stand out what i could've done was focus the camera on the subject, or get a clear backround.

Prompt Shoot


Monday, November 7, 2016

American Soldier

I think this photo is the more powerful picture, because it shows he knows how its like to be a solidier, and how tough it is, looks to me like hes noticing that being a soldier istn easy at all.

B.) These images work together to tell the story by showing the setting of where the charater is, showing facial expressions, emotions, and body language.

C.) The captions inhance the photographs by, saying whats happening in the photo, how he feels, and whats going on in the photo.

D.) Ian Fisher, is in the army in June 2007, at age 17 he gets a call to the recruiting office, to confirm hes on track for enlistment. On his 17th birthday he annonced hes going to join the army. As he departs commencement ceremonies for Lakewood's Bear Creek High School at Reds Rocks theatre on May, 31 2007. After he left home he visits the army recruiting office, and speaks with Staff Sgt Joseph Camarillo, who served in the army before. Ian realizes how rough the army is, he marries his wife.


 1. The captions are about 3-5 sentences each, they provide facts about Ian Fishers life.
2. They provide when and where the picture took place.
3. The second sentences provide what he did in the photo.
4. The third sentences are how hes feeling in the photo.
5. Yes, some captions include a quote.
6. Yes, theres some with four sentences.

G.) I think its possible to tell stories with captions and photos because the captions explain how they feel where and when it took place, and whats happening. The photosshow facial expressions and where its at.

H.) You should also write a story not just captions and pictures, because including a story gives more details about that life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Funny Captions!

Ms.Linn is hating on everyone because everyone's getting in her way, so she is wearing a shirt today at the grocery store on a Sunday morning that says i hate everyone. Ms.Linn hates everyone because she thinks everyones annoying, she wore a shirt that says she hates everyone at the grocery store Sunday morning while everone was shopping around her she didnt care.
Patricia's very hungry, shes at Wendys getting food Wednesday afternoon because shes starving, shes in her wheel chair. Patricia was hungry so she went to wendys in her wheel chair Wednesday, because she was starving, while there was cars waiting behind for awhile.
3.), is shooting her ex at her ex's front yard, today, sunday morning becuase he broke her heart, with a big gun. was shooting at her ex with a big gun in his front yard sunday morning because he broke her heart, while his wife just stood there and watched.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Rules of photography 2

Theme: Nature Photography:
                                                              1.) Rules Of Thirds:

2.) Balancing Elements:
3.) Leading Lines:
4.) Symmetry and Patterns:
5.) Viewpoint:
6.) Backround:
7.) Create Depth:
8.) Framing:
9.) Cropping:
10.) Avoiding Mergers:

Monday, October 17, 2016


1.) From reading these couple of sentemces i see that it was very beautiful enjoying nature and the animals i thought that was petty cool, but i honestly would get impatient waiting for an animal to show up. I would get scared to get near animals, but i would think its pretty cool getting a close up picture on these wild animals, especially if its my favorite animal.
3.) This photo is one of my favorites because i love how the backround is gray and beautiful i think it really fits this lion roaring becuase it makes it a better beautiful picture, and it makes the lion look like a beast with the dark beautiful backround, and the big lion with sharp teeth and beautiful fur makes this photo stand out the one of the most.
4.) I think this photo would be framing because the picture is taken with the lion roaring in the middle with nothing but clouds around.
5.) Nick Brandt uses the Noctilux and Canon 85mm f/1.2 camera and this is important because the camera he uses might be a better quality of a camera than others and the lens might be way better than others and thats how he gets his good photos.
6.) Nick Brandt's African animals photo's are premonitory memories, taken to aid the cause of staving extincion. They are a combination of beauty, decay, and admonishment.
7.) Nick Brandt takes these African animal photos because he hopes for more of an emotional connection with these animals.
8.) " I just can't get over how fast the natural world of Africa was being wiped out"," I tend to be quiet pessimisstic, but this was worse than even I had imagined. I kept thinking about all these places where these animals had once roamed but no longer did." says Nick Brandt about Africa.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Great Black And White Photographers 3

What first caught my eye with Ansel Adams photos was the sky, i like how the sky has dark gray clouds, i alsolike the landscapes and the angle everything is in.

2.) I see the beauty of nature, the beautiful mountains, green leaves on the trees, water flowing, smooth rocks i can walk on like a pathway.I see beatiful big white and gray clouds scattered around the sky.
I smell rain that looks like its about to come out the sky. I smell fresh clean air.
I hear trees rusling as the winds go through. I hear the wind whiseling as it goes past my ears. I hear birs chirping.
I taste fresh air as i breath
I feel my hair touching my face while the wind blows through, i feel a nice breeze.

3.) I think to spread the word about the beauty of Ansel Adams photos is making posters and putting them around the school, i hardly see nature photos or hardly any photography as i walk down the halls.

Mural Project

1.) A theme i would choose is something moving but capture a clear picture.
2.) I think we should be allowed to use the cameras and if we have a good camera on our phone than use it.
3.) On campus i would want to put the mural somewhere in either the couryard or cafeteria.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Monday, October 3, 2016

Great Black And White Photographers Part 2

Ansel Adams:

Ansel Adams was an American photogropher best known for his images of the American west, including yosemite national park. Ansel Adams was born on February 20, 1902, in San Francisco, California. His iconic black and white images helped to establish photography among the fine arts. He died in Monterey, California, on April 22, 1984.

Between 1929 and 1942, Adams work and reputation developed. He spent time in New Mexico with artist including Alfred Steiglits, Geroriga O' Keffe and Paul Strand. He started to publish essays and instructional books based on photography. After the internment of Japanese peoplde during World War, 2, Adams Photographed in the camps for an essay on wartime injustice.

In 1919, 17 year old, Ansel Adams, had first contact with this club named the sierra club, when he took a job as a custodian, of the clubs LeConte memorial, Lodge, the club headquarters in Yosemite National park. In 1927, Adams participated in the clubs annual outing, or the high trip, the next year he became the clubs official trip photogropher. In 1930 he became assistant manager of the outings which is a month long excursions of about 200 people.

Avoiding Mergers

This photo is avoiding mergers because the girl is facing towards the city.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I chose this photo for balance because everythings balanced and not tilted, its all straight.


I chose this photo for framing because the photo is like framing around the people that are walking.


I chose this photo for simplicity because, around the guy is just lines, so the guy is the center of your attention.


I chose this photo for lines, because theres alot of lines that repeat.