Friday, February 24, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Story 1: (A2)
  • Bowie is currently looking for a new principle, also an interim principal. Susan Leos is going to leave.They are currently in the process of picking a new principle for Bowie, looking for a new principle is tough. Teachers and staff also share the good Suan Leos has done for Bowie High school.
  • Who?  Austin ISD
  • What? Looking for a new principal
  • Where? James Bowie High School
  • When? After the years 2016-2017
  • Why? Susan Leos isn't the principle but the interm principal
  • How? Getting other peoples opinions on the needs bowie hs needs
  • Who was quoted in the story? Deb Barbosa
  • What quote was the strongest in your opinion, and where does it appear in the story? "I want a principle who will hire excellent teachers that can relate to students and make teaching interesting and i believe they should encourage teachers to continue their education withworkshops, to stregthen their skills"
  • Did the lead sentence want to make you keep reading? Yes.
Story 2: (B3)
  • This story is on Super Mario Run, talking about the games new purple coins.They say that the purple coins aren't the greatest. Nintendo is losing money with their projected sales reaching far less that what nintendo had expected.
  • Who? Nintendo company
  • What? losing money
  • Where? 
  • When? September of 2016
  • Why? Not alot of people are liking the new game
  • How? People aren't buying the games
  • Did the first sentence want me to comtinue reading? no

Friday, February 17, 2017

Front Pages Of The World

  • My favorite news paper is "Tyler Morning Telegraph", because its colorful, and stands out. Also because it's a big thing in the US.
  • My favorite headline, is "Know Your Role", im interested in thisnews paper because it has a 'black lives matter' article, and interested in that kind of thing.
  • There are three stories on the front of my favorite newspaper.
  • I noticed the title is really big and noticible, same with the subtitles. I also noticed that the main story on the newspaper, the photo for that article is really big compared to the others.All of the photos on newspapers have captions below or beside the photo.
  • On some newspapers, it has the text in color, and some don't. The text on these are in different places, like on the side of the photos, above or below.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Website Review

      Photjojo 💙' s Tumblr
  • I think this website intension, is that they want to get people to get there photos perfect, they want them to fall n love with there photos. On this website they write steps on how to have the perfect picture, and fall in love with your photo, to make it have perfection, and stand out. An average viewer, can know how a perfect photo looks like, and how to to take the perfect picture, also how much fun yo can have editing and taking pictures. I would add this website to my bookmarks, it helps me out with photography. I would reccomend this website, it will help out begginers in photography.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Self Portrait Vs The Selfie

1.) What is a selfie?
-A photograph that you take of your self, normally with your phone.
2.) What is a self portrait?
-A portait of an artist created by that artist.
3.) Is there a difference?If so why?
-Self portrait is a imagedrawn, painted, or sculpted, and Selfie is with a camera.
4.) What style do you prefer?
-I would prefer a self portrait.
5.) Is one more valuable/important than the other?why?
-I think a self portrait  is more valuable, because its drawn hand drawn, or created, so its more impressive.

Phobia Project Photos

Fear of my dog eating, because im scared he'll bite.
Fear of getting poked by a plant.
Fear of falling in the water.
Fear of ducks.

Phobia Project

  • Phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
  • Acrophobia-fear of heights
  • Cacophobia-fear of uglines
  • Decidiphobia-fear of making decisions
  • Elurophobia-fear of cats
  • Entomophobia-fear of insects
  • Im going to do fear of insects, falling/heights, and animals.